
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Relatively Good Sports

Hope this will catch us up to date (at least in the pic world) since the last few days have been busy and difficult in more ways than this blog could ever hold. Recently I promised a complete Field Day post ... so here it is... quite a few to share.

Not sure if my mom ever came to field day but we really enjoy it. (Tug-O-War is my fave!)

Here is Mason getting ready for 50 yard dash.

Relay race - they were in 2nd until their last runner was a bit slow - a teaching moment hopefully.

He wore his cletes to help with this - too bad the other kids didn't :(

The face behind the muscle~

If this pic is big enough on your screen - check out that right calf muscle - amazing at 9!

First place girls relay race :)

No real commentary needed if you know her.

They came in third! They were pretty small compared to most of the other teams and had to "pull" back to back with no rest.

Most of you won't know this little girl (if you do let me know) but her name is Anastasia and she is in Braden's class. She is his "girlfriend" which I constantly tell him we don't have girlfriends but he insists she is. She's super quiet but sweet. He was in control of the camera at this point which is why she was included.

There goes that tongue!

Sack race (with what appears to be closed eyes?)

Field Day treat - SNOW CONES!!!

Hope you enjoyed the many Field Day Faces and hopefully I'll have some scrappy stuff to share soon - not a card - but the real kind - a layout!

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