
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Full Blown Summer

We are in full blown summer mode which explains the lack of blogging...sorta...we are doing alot of school, swim, play, repeat.  However there is a bit of a decision going on.  Braden has been bitten by the gymnastics bug ... not surprised based on the amount of times a day I have to say "Braden do not jump on the couch like that!" However, I know he has loved karate so much (as shown here by the changing of the belts we witnessed earlier this month)  He wants to do both but this mama just can't add another thing - so he is contemplating changing.  I struggle with "once we start we stick with it" - whatever that is.  However, you never know what you're really good at unless you try different things.  On the other hand, Abbi would love gymnastics but says "NO WAY" to giving up soccer - she has found her passion for sure!

Hoping you are all having a great summer!  We are full swing campmeeting mode this week, followed by my 20 year high school reunion Friday night and then a Saturday AM departure for a week in the North Georgia mountains.  We all kinda wanna just skip straight to Saturday - even us big people are excited for a week of being away - Grandma is going so that is gonna add a whole new level of fun ... if ya know what I mean .... and by that I mean I might actually have a babysitter for a couples massage! whoo hooo!  Honestly, we have NEVER gone on a family vacation with my side of the family so it really should be a learning experience and alot of fun at the same time!

Still lots to do so I better get the transform a long-sleeve knit cardigan into a short sleeve one before church tonight!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Caution: Emotional Venting in progress....

If you came for crafty - just hold on a bit - I have that too but first...

Sometimes this blog is for historical sake and today is that day...One day I hope to have this printed up for a history book for our family - what a crack-up that will be, right? Don't answer that!

Today will permanently display my heart, and maybe a bit of a soap box too...

There are things about me I wish I could change.  Like One, I wish I could be more like that duck that let's things roll off their back...but I am not! I hold on to things for far too long.  I internalize.  I overthink.  I make mountains out of molehills - probably on a daily basis. 

Two, I wish I didn't worry as much about who loved me, who liked me, and what the rest of them actually thought about me.  Twice this week I have felt like someone was either talking about me as I walked up or hiding things from me.  I hate that even after the situation has passed...I am still thinking on it.....wondering WHY??? Really hate that one. I know you can't make people do anything.  Can't make them love. trust. be respectful.  be responsible.  I KNOW it but I DONT like it. 

Three, I hate that I am competitive.  I am sure that it makes me a better worker and the finished product is usually pretty great.  I hate that I feel compelled to compare myself to everyone else... STOP IT already. 

ok enough of that...on to the patriotic wreath has been removed (I had planned to keep it up due to the Olympics) and this lovely one created by my daughter has replaced it.  She created it with scraps of fabric and a rubber coated clothes hannger.  For those who know me this sorta falls into the whole "the Christmas tree is mine, not theirs" kinda deal...but I am working on being less Martha and more Mother so here hangs her super cute wreath.  I really do love it - her comment was "it's kinda too small for our door.  BIG door, little wreath"  She does crack me up on a regular basis.

Thanks for making it through that rant/vent and hopefully I will have some cute scrappy stuff this week since I have some work to be done:)