so one day I'm gonna find that company to print my blog into a book so i can have all these wonderful things written down for our family history book. We began school THREE weeks ago and I chose not to have first day of middle school pictures in lieu of being on time to the first day of middle school.
So I think these are maybe day 3 of middle school but at least it shows it. This blog may be a bit weird for you but it's a history book for us with a few things that I don't want to forget.
Like... this look. Can you just hear the "MOOOOM, can you hurry up already"
Then the "OK, I will smile great so you will quit - I just LOVE this face! have we had challenges, throw-downs, and melt-downs?? oh my Lordy yes! but, at the end of the day, he is amazing!!! He loves harder than most adults I know and no matter how many times I lose Mother of the Year - he still loves me - I am truly blessed!!!
Here is the sweet girl - she is snarky, energetic, my word is she self-confident (maybe a little too much so) and she is scared of very little (except the chicken pox shot she got yesterday that reduced her to full blown tears in the dr.'s office) She might be a bit nervous about middle school but she would never, ever blow her cool calm and collected cover.... and I mean NEVER!!!
This is funny to is the back story....she HATES.HATES.HATES to be touched while taking the picture. DO NOT put your arm around her. He knows this and that's why you can see the sneaky look in his eyes. I spared you that one where she was fussing at him but believe it took a ton of pics to get...
this one! You can still see the look of angst on her face. silly girl.
here is day three of the third grade...excited and ready to go!
school has been TOUGH to say the least. if we were quitters or unsure of God's will...we would have pulled them week two and been at their zoned school. However, we are NOT quitters and we KNOW we are where we are supposed to be for we continue to tread water...barely!!!
The good Lord knows when you need a break - so he sent Tropical Storm Isaac. We had a fun stay at home day with the little cousins...we had NO rain... so we swam, finger painted, and swam some more:)
Relaxation at it's best:)
a side note to our ridiculous homework load - when i say ridiculous - i AM NOT KIDDING!!! last wednesday David worked with Abbi for more than two hours - see what I mean by ridiculous??? BUT... they had their first math test on Friday and guess what we scored....89 and a 95!!!! a 95 in a class where she was scoring F's - more than one - I was so excited I nearly soiled my pants!!! way to go kiddos - super, duper, proud:)